So I have been in lock down for over a month now! I thought it was getting easier, but the last few days I've been struggling a lot. I find my self pushing my friends away, and not feeling up to socialising, and then I feel bad because what if they need me. But then I just sit there and I just don't want to do anything, whether it is message or videochat. Like today one of my friends created a quiz for us to do as a group and I just couldn't do it. I found myself dreading seeing them and having to talk, it's how I used to feel about going to school or uni. Dreading having to socialise and knowing how to act and what to say. I feel bad because they're my friends and I shouldn't dread seeing them, they're an amazing bunch of people and I love them. But I just couldn't do it.
It's tough, and I wish everything could go back to the way it was, and I wish my trip to Bali hadn't been cancelled, and I could go and visit my friends and family, but we can't right now, and that's just the way it is. And it sucks but we have to deal with it, to keep everyone safe.
Stay Home, Save Lives.
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