Monday, 20 April 2020

Day 29 - Lock Down

So today was a mixed day.

We took food to my Nan and Grandad, so I got to see them for a bit, although we did stand at the end of their driveway, but we had a chat with them from a distance! My Grandad had made us some cake so he left that on the door stop for us, which was nice! My Nan informed us he was under strict guidance from her to make sure they turned out okay!

My trip to Bali has been cancelled. I saw it coming, but still it sucks to get the call and have them tell you it won't be going ahead, and that you can't have a refund! (I am appealing this!) They offered to postpone my trip, or give me credit for another trip. I was meant to be going with a friend, and that date was the only one we could do, so we can't postpone for this year, and we have uni next year, and don't know when our courses end, or our job prospects for after uni! I don't want to postpone the trip till next year only for us to cancel it and then not be able to get a refund. Legally the company have to give us a refund if they cancel, so we are hoping to be able to get one. The flights are a big issue as they haven't been cancelled yet, so we might not be able to get any money back from them.

Anyway enough of my moping about my cancelled plans! People have it a lot worse than me right now!

Stay Home, Save Lives!

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