Monday, 23 March 2020

Cringe and Coronavirus

So, stuck in lock down after only 3 hours, and I though 'hey what happened to that blog I was writing ages ago' and well I tracked it down, and have found this lovely page! I re-read a few of the posts and Dear God I was cringey! It feels so long ago that I wrote it all.

With all the bad in the world right now, with the ever lovely Coronavirus, I thought I would find something to do and write this blog again to help pass the time and distract myself from the boredom.

Coronavirus is a big thing, and we need to take the correct precautions to protect ourselves! I fully agree with Boris Johnson's decision to lock down our country, and believe that actions should have occurred much sooner to delay the spread.

My family have no pasta or hand sanitiser, and we are struggling to buy bread, meat and eggs. This insanity with bulk buying needs to stop, or else people who actually need food aren't going to be able to get any.

Hopefully these new measures brought in by Boris will limit peoples need to go outside and bulk buy so that people like my Nan and Grandad can go to the shops and not have to worry if they will be able to buy any food or not. My Nan, who recently broke her ankle, and now had trouble walking, had to trek round 3 superstores trying to find toilet paper, and fabric conditioner. My Aunt falls into a risk category and has to worry every time she goes out of the house that she may now catch the virus, and she could die. These aren't things that should be happening.

Everyone please stay inside, only go out if you have too, and please wash your hands!

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