Friday, 26 February 2016


So, I went and saw Deadpool last week, and let me tell you it was awesome! It had action and comedy, which is what I love, and okay, some of it was kind of disgusting and creepy, SPOILER ALERT, like the bit where he cuts his hand off and he has a baby hand, and strokes a blind woman's face with it! It was funny but kinda creepy and weird at the same time!

One of my favourite things about the movie is that fact that he knows he is in a movie... and I love the title credits where they name the most important people in the movie but they take the piss out of it! Another awesome thing is the soundtrack! I couldn't help but tap along to the beat of the songs, they were awesome, however, you know how he is obsessed with the WHAM! song... well that song isn't WHAM! it is a solo song by George Michael... So maybe someone should let Ryan Reynolds know...

Okay so the first track isn;t a head bopper... but it's still an awesome soundtrack!

Till next time :)

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