Thursday 28 May 2015


Okay... I think I have commitment issues, ages ago I went out with this guy, lets call him Harry. I had liked Harry for ages but when he asked me out, I said yes, and then suddenly I didn't like him anymore. The relationship lasted a day.
Now there is this guy, we shall call him Luke, and I liked him, and then I told him, and my friends think he is interested in me and now, I don't like him anymore, and I don't know what to do, I just want to stop talking to him, but he is so nice and I don't want to be mean, and I can't tell him I don't like him, because I literally just told him that I did! I need help! I really do!

Moving on... what do people think of Bryanna and Ashton, personnally I don't like it, mainly because I love Ashton, however people need to stop sending them hate, especially the fans, as fans we should respect their wishes and if Bryanna makes Ashton happy, we should let them be happy. Hate them in your head, not out loud! That should be on a t-shirt.

So, music... I love See you again, it makes me cry!

I also love Cheerleader, I like it because for once a song is about girls being "bitches" it is about a girl who he wants to spend his life with :)

See ya :D